Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet potato with roasted grapes and goat cheese

I was fascinated by the concept of this twice-baked sweet potato recipe that I found. Instead of regular cheese it called for fresh goat cheese stirred in, along with cinnamon and nutmeg, and then topped off with more fresh goat cheese and roasted grapes. What??? Roasted grapes??? The blogger went on in delirium about the amazing taste of roasted grapes and I had to make it. I originally wanted to try this for my birthday dinner, but the thought of it turning out very badly kept me from trying it on a crowd at my mercy. So Friday night I made potato-for-one. It turned out okay, actually. I forgot about the grapes and only the keener smell and hearing of my roommates saved the grapes from certain charcoal-y oblivion (which some had already achieved). Some of my goat cheese (from three weeks ago?) was turning weird colors and so I only had a small chunk on the inside that I could use. So no fresh goat cheese sprinkled on top. And I didn't drizzle the honey. In the end, it didn't look much like the picture at all, but the taste was there, I believe. And while it wasn't sublime or "luscious", it was pretty tasty. I think it definitely needs the fresh goat cheese on top to balance out all the sweet, however.