Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blooming Tea

I remember falling in love with the concept of blooming tea when Matt and I were strolling through stores registering for our wedding and we ran across the Tea Posy line. My aunt bought the pot and tea for us and we tried it out that first year together. I remember distracting myself from my homework by pouring the hot water over the small green balls and watching them unfold into the most bizarre yet delicate "flowers". Recently a package arrived in the mail from my grandmother, who had run across flowering tea at a friend's house and thought I'd love it. She immediately packaged one up and shipped it off to me. They had come out with new flavors since I'd tried it five years ago, with vanilla, pomegranate and acai berry beside the standard jasmine. I do like the vanilla quite a bit and this morning I was in the mood for some flowering inspiration as I worked on yet another draft of my dissertation proposal. Without my tea pot I used a tall blue glass and I loved the underwater feel this gave the whole scene.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, it looks like coral! It looks beautiful! I hope it was enough to properly distract.
