Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gluten Free Cravings

There's something about being on a diet that makes one HUNGRY. I mean, I get home from school to what appears to be an empty kitchen. There's a pot of beans in the fridge, but I ate that for lunch yesterday and today. I will not also eat it for dinner. But what else is there? I've cleaned out the rice cakes. Matt finished off the lamb leftovers. Only the giant vat of granola promises substance. I excavated my freezer and found the turkey bacon and ate four slices of that. You wouldn't know it. I'm still hungry. After an hour of Middle Egyptian, epiphany strikes. Cornbread! A bread that should be possible to make without flour! I hunt down the internet for my prey and arrive at Cornbread Deluxe, a promising recipe (besides the fact I'm still scratching my head at xanthum gum). It's in the oven now, hopefully with better results than last night's baking attempts. I don't have time for all this baking, but I'm enjoying it!

The resulting cornbread....good, for the most part!


  1. We're going to have to change the mission of this blog to cooking, you know. :)

  2. Why not? Though I don't know about the "diet" portion of this mission. This inspires guys should add some nuts to your diet.

  3. oh believe me, when I'm at my absolute wits end, I step to the jar for a handful of almonds. :) good late night snack
