Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Birthday Cake Flopped

The Cake. I decided to bake myself a birthday cake and my wonderful husband stopped by the store for last minute ingredients and I threw them together and dropped them into the oven. And well, 45 minutes later, I decided it was done. One recipe said flip the cake out onto a rack to cool. NOT a good idea. You see the indentations resulting, and only half the cake came out. So I tried to put the cake back into the pan. Also NOT a good idea. Now the cake resides halfway up the side of the pan, and refuses to appear cooked. I threw it back in another half hour. Still not cooked looking. I gave up and pulled it out and will put it in the fridge. We'll see what it's like in the morning!

(ps. Matt and I are gluten free for two weeks, seeing if it helps my stomach, allergies, life in general. So any good flourless chocolate cake recipes are welcome!)

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