Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More food delights!

Once again, far too much time has elapsed between updates on my latest culinary adventures. Here's a rough outline in photos!

There is a small green vegetable we encounter every time we're in Jordan called fugush. It reminds me of a zucchini but has a lighter skin and better taste when cooked. I was wandering through my local Sprouts grocery store when I spotted a "Mexican gray squash" that looks exactly like the fugush, though perhaps not as soft and fuzzy.

I put my little cast iron pan to good use and cooked it up in some butter, just like they do in Jordan. It didn't taste as good, of course, but it was still pretty delicious!

For Matt's birthday he wanted horchata macarons from this recipe and I obliged. The recipe added some new tricks I hadn't tried before and I had the macarons cooperating much more quickly than ever before! (He had to translate the recipe for me first, and there were some parts both of us weren't sure about, but it turned out okay anyway.)

For this same birthday party, I made a rosemary loaf that turned out very tasty. I made a second batch for taking to friends and it didn't hold up well a second day, so eat it fresh and hot!

 Matt eats his Valencian snack wearing his Valencian football jersey!

A zucchini, lamb, and chickpea stew out of a clay pot cook book my sister gave Matt.

A fennel and goat cheese pizza that turned out sublime. I do believe I ate the entire thing myself in one sitting.

before oven

after oven!

I was craving some cobbler and found this recipe for making one directly in my cast iron skillet. In retrospect, I would not recommend doing this, because somehow the whole process made the berries extra potent and they dyed my entire mouth blue for several days.

It was still pretty tasty.

A recipe for flat bread cooked in the clay pot worked pretty well! (Also from the clay pot cookbook)

And last, and most assuredly least, was this slapdash potato au gratin recipe I threw together from random ingredients in my fridge, including a single potato, some pistachios, horchata, and goat cheese. It was okay but half of it ended up in the garbage because no one wanted to eat it leftover.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so many! :) Somehow, maybe it's the reflection in the pot or the angle, it looks like there's a life-form of some sort prodding the flatbread into a semi-levitating state. :)

    How was horchata in the potatoes? I've never heard of that.

    All of this looks really delicious. Yum.
