Sunday, May 6, 2012


Catching up on some of my baking activities over the past month or so I have to start out with something I didn't actually make but found quite by accident and immediately fell in love with. I introduce to you the lactose-intolerant-yet-ice-cream-loving person's best friends:

Almond Dream makes some of the best non-dairy ice cream around, and now they make ice cream bites!! I was beside myself when we had a heat streak in mid-March and I just happened to find these in Treasure Island's frozen food aisle. The LaLoo's goat's milk ice cream is also superb. The chocolate version has a bit of a goat taste to it when you first try it but you soon forget about it altogether. I've recently tried the vanilla version and don't taste goat at all. Maybe it's just me, but this is the texture and creaminess of real ice cream and I love it.

Sometime in late March/early April I found on sale and purchased The Everything Indian Cookbook for my kindle and tried out a couple of the recipes that caught my eye. The recipes were really easy to follow and called for ingredients I could find and had you built from a paste combining serrano peppers with garlic and ginger, adding on other ingredients as desired. I tried a potato recipe, a salmon recipe, and a five dahl delight recipe. It was a delight, all three were actually. The dahl turned out looking like green pea soup even though it contained yellow and red lentils as well as mung beans and pigeon peas. It was pretty tasty and inspired a twin pot soon cooked up by my roommates. We had a lot of dahl, to say the least.



A few days later I wanted to try making samosas and not finding anything by that name in the cookbook, I decided to try the parathas. I completely forgot Talea's experience with this ridiculous food item and so repeated the same near disasters. :) Not my favorite food ever and we ended up throwing out some of the last of it after both myself and my roommate-who-likes-my-food-experiments couldn't take anymore.

In all, it was a fun time with Indian food but I was done with that cookbook for awhile and my taste buds turned to other things...

1 comment:

  1. Totally missed this. So the paratha didn't turn out? Bummer :( The ice cream sounds yummy :) Loooove creamy foods...
