Saturday, October 15, 2011

Salmon Experiment #2: Salmon in a Couscous Crust

Here is my second salmon semi-success! I got a picture of it before it hit the oven this time, but of course forgot to take one after it was out. Imagine the couscous fluffy and you get the idea. The salmon is hidden deep beneath the layers. This recipe was tasty, but it isn't one I'm going to make again probably. The salmon was rather tough, maybe because it was baked with so much liquid? The other two judges weren't completely sold on it either. Both could have done without the capers, and one wasn't so sure about the parsley. I liked the couscous part, but was disappointed in the salmon.

I also thought I'd show you my new cooking grounds - an island! It's pretty awesome to have so much more space to work with when cooking. The oven and sink and their counters are off to the right, and that's the back door.