Sunday, December 30, 2012

Small Projects

I was also happy to be around my craft tools once again. My knitting needles and yarn, and my stacks of burlap waiting for some creative use. My first attempt was this fun cowl that I loved the final result, soft and thick around my neck. It was also easy to knit for my first attempt on circular needles. The yarn gave me some trouble, but eventually sorted itself out and it is very soft. I found a pattern here that was relatively easy to follow with lots of youtube supplementation.

The burlap came in when I decided I needed some way to store my earrings in an easy to see display. I took a rectangle of cardboard off the back of a pad of paper, wrapped the burlap around it, sewed strips of colorful fabric along the top and bottom edge, and then glued the flaps down in the back. I've loved looking at the final result up in my bathroom shelf.

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