Sunday, December 30, 2012


When I approached my designated spot in the community gardens in my apartment complex, I found I'd inherited several plants started by my predecessors in Garden Plot #32. The bamboo stand was immediately recognizable, though dried out and faltering. Other plants remained a mystery, including this bush, which with some water started to show green sprouts on its dry twiggy branches. Friday, one of the small red buds finally burst into action and I was extremely pleased to find myself the caretaker for a hibiscus bush. There are two other mystery plants left in the garden, including some kind of bramble twisted up with the hibiscus and a taller vine-like plant. Some kind of green leafy plant is not a complete mystery, with bright orange flowers that attract hummingbirds, I just don't know its name. I've planted bulbs and greens and carrots in the garden, and will update with pictures here as they finally grow into existence!


  1. So pretty. It looks like an altogether warmer place in CA :)

  2. (although, my mom's flowers have continued blooming, here, too--it's been such a warm winter)
