Monday, April 10, 2017

Adventures in Vegetarianism

I've been a 98% vegetarian cook for awhile now (there are those occasional dips into fish, chicken, or if we stretch way back, lamb). However, when I moved home I jumped wholeheartedly into the wealth of pre-prepared vegetarian meat analogues. Stripples are my favorite. The recent gift from a friend of several cans of Worthington Choplets, Little Links, and Veggie Burger (to say nothing of a large frozen Dinner Roast) has my mind racing for dinner ideas. Tonight was the first episode of Monique Cooks a Vegetarian Meat.

Searches for recipes for "choplets" didn't get me very far, but I soon discovered that searching simply for "chops" yielded a fantastic array of recipes originally designed for pork chops. Striking upon one that would involve delving into the soon-to-be-rotten apples in the fridge door meant instant approval from the economical dinner perspective. Thus I present, Apple and Onion Choplet Casserole, prepared with the flourish of my European ceramic IKEA knives and a good old-fashioned cast iron skillet excavated from my mother's pan drawer.

The recipe
The Meat Analogue
The results:
Floured and browning in the oil and butter 
Piled on the apples and onions before covering to steam for 30 minutes 
The delicious results, the apple completely infused the dish

Family vote:
J: "It was GOOD!"
E: Weird texture, good flavor
Me: Can I eat six in one sitting without ill results? (three hours later, the three I ate suggest, no)