Part of my birthday present this year was a sewing machine outfit from my Grandparents (it's also an advance on my future graduation) and my parents. They put together a complete set of everything I'd possibly need for my endeavors, including a cutting board and cutter, and my aunt's family even threw in an adorable pin cushion chair. I immediately cut up the seven or so pairs of jeans and pj pants my husband had abandoned to the "too many holes" pile and started in on a quilt I'd found a pattern for online.

I'm also still intrigued with all my yarn and have completed 2 cowls, one mitten, and one baby sweater. I am currently working on a third cowl (finally one for me!) and a baby sock, with the second mitten soon to come. I am learning a lot in this whole experience and have undone and remade these various items several times before finishing them off. Knitting in the round with double pointed needles took quite a few tries before I made it.
Looking good! What is a cowl? Is that like a hood?