Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mint-Mango Zucchini

I scrolled to this recipe and I had to try it. I'm not a huge fan of "raw" food, but it looked intriguing and I just had to know how mint, mango, and zucchini could possibly all exist in the same recipe. I rushed into Freehling Pots & Pans right as they were locking the door and bought a pretty green juli peeler and then dashed home to try it out. I have to say, it was much better than expected. Not particularly filling but it served as dinner two nights in a row. I loved the mint and mango sauce with the spice of ginger thrown in, and the julienned zucchini was actually pretty fun. I don't know that I would make it again but it gets points for creativity and a very healthy meal.

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty. You do a lot of dashing about, in general. I'm impressed :)
