Saturday, March 13, 2010

Falafel Banana Bread

Do you remember those breadsticks I made out of Gluten-Free flour? And how they tasted like a cross between a falafel and a cookie? Well, on the package of the GF Flour it has a recipe for banana bread. I had a container of very brown frozen bananas (we freeze them for smoothies, these were quite old), some blueberries, some month old eggs, and this package of flour that wasn't going to make breadsticks. So I followed the directions and whipped together a quick batch of banana bread with the GF Flour and poured it into the baking pans and popped it in the tiny oven (I LOVE baking with the convection oven, it's just the right size for most things I bake). They came out at the end in golden perfection (slightly overgrown because they were supposed to go into four pans instead of two) and I promptly consumed the top off of one. Delicious. No hint of falafel there!


  1. Missed this one! I'm ever so GLAD there was no felafel flavor. My heart was sinking as I read down from "felafel" to "severely browned bananas." Uggh. But it looks good!

  2. Oh no, this was GOOD. It didn't last long...
