Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Strawberried Waffles


  1. This is a day late, but since yours was four days early, it should all balance out. :) This is connected to my recipe found at:

  2. ah ha! these are the waffles made under ecstatic conditions? wait, they're pancakes?

    four days early?! yikes. yes, I believe the schedule has been abandoned on my end...

  3. Pancakes amended. Oops! :) I have pancakes on the brain cause that's what we normally make, but this time I wanted waffles. :) Yes, four whole days early! I was shocked and horrified and offended and disastrousfied and such. :) No problem. I haven't been following very well either, I just had this vague notion that it was Monday or Tuesday and when I looked at last week it had been Monday. :) And of course I didn't look till wednesday. And the photo is probably from Monday night. Non-celebratory. Just hungry. :)

  4. oh. ha. :) silly me. yes, monday night would have been the triumphal dinner. unless i made them sunday night. now i can't remember. :)
